Friday, 27 January 2017
VideoMPYA: Dayna Nyange na Billnass wanatualika kutazama ‘Komela

Thursday, 26 January 2017
VideoMPYA: Christian Bella ‘Ollah

Video: Ice Prince Ft Vanessa Mdee – No Mind Dem
VideoMPYA: Joh Makini ametuletea video mpya inaitwa ‘waya’

UMEPITWA? Tazama hapa chini kuona video ya Producer P Funk akizungumzia video iliyosambaa Mitandao ikisema ni mtoto wake.
Ya kufahamu baada ya mkutano na Benki ya Dunia Ikulu kuhusu Fly Over Ubungo

- Kulikua na mazungumzo rasmi yaliyofanyika IKULU na kubwa la kwanza ilikua ni kuihakikishia benki ya Dunia kwamba kwa kweli ni wabia wetu wazuri wa maendeleo na Rais amesisitiza kwa upande wa serikali tutaendelea kufanya kazi kwa ukaribu na benki ya dunia.
- Eneo moja ambalo Rais ameiomba Benki ya dunia itusaidie kuharakisha kuanza utekelezaji ni pale Ubungo kwenye makutano ya zile barabara.
- Huu mradi wa Mabasi yaendayo kazi hautakuwa na ufanisi kama bado pale Ubungo utategemea Askari wa barabarani kuongoza magari kwahiyo Rais Magufuli amesisitiza zaidi.
- Makamu wa Rais wa Benki ya Dunia amekubali kwamba wataharakisha ule mchakato ili ujenzi wa barabara za juu kwenye makutano ya barabara Ubungo uanze.
- Kuhusu gharama za ujenzi wa Fly Over Ubungo hatuna namba kamili kwa sasa kwasababu bado tunakamilisha majadiliano lakini kwa takwimu za awali haitapungua Dola za Kimarekani MILIONI 60
VIDEO: Fahamu kuhusu gari linalombeba Rais Donald Trump Nouma sana

Ni gari ambalo bomu au risasi havipenyi na lina spidi ya ajabu na pia Dereva ambaye analiendesha sio Dereva yeyote tu, wa hili gari ni aliyepatiwa mafunzo makubwa na kupambana na dharura yoyote inayoweza kutokea, bonyeza play hapa chini kutazam
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Gorilla Glass: is not just for iPhones anymore
LAS VEGAS — Go ahead, throw a rock at your windshield. It might survive — if that windshield is made with Gorilla Glass.
The same material protecting the delicate LCD screens on millions of smartphones is now ready for your road trip.
Corning, the company that develops and manufacturers Gorilla Glass, introduced Gorilla Glass for Automotive on Thursday at CES in Las Vegas. It's related to the material used in smartphones, but with added ingredients to protect it against the extreme cold, heat and sun exposure experienced by most cars.
Speaking about the potential of glass in a wide range of industries, including automotive, Corning's chief strategy officer Dr. Jeffrey Evenson said, "Glass can be to the next 50 years what silicon components have been for the last 50 years."
Evenson said Gorilla Automotive Glass is thinner, lighter and stronger than traditional automotive glass, allowing Corning to make the windshield significantly thinner than a standard car windshield. In fact, the glass throughout the car is lighter and thinner, which, Corning claims, could make the car more energy efficient.
Because the entire dash was made of Gorilla Glass, it could also accommodate a video screen in front of the passenger seat. During the demo, a movie played as the rest of the dash focused on driving tasks like speed and navigation.
BMW HoloActive is the coolest driving technology at CES
BMW’s HoloActive interface is not one of those disappointments.
Image: lili sams/mashable
SEE ALSO: The best tech of CES 2017
Image: lili sams/mashable
Image: lili sams/mashable
Image: lili sams/mashable
Under the hood
It’s not magic, though. HoloActive Touch is simply the combination of three technologies that appear to work perfectly together.- The first is a hidden mirror array that can project 3D images into space.
- The second is an ultrasonic sound system that sits just behind the mirror array and is hidden under a permeable mesh. It uses speakers to send a collection of soundwaves that focus on your fingertip.
- The third component is a small camera in the steering wheel column that lets the ultrasound system know where your finger is so it can focus the sound waves in the exact right spot.
Image: lili sams/
Image: lili sams/mashable
Image: lili sams/mashable
Technology:Samsung Galaxy S8 is coming in April, and its (partially) dragging LG G6 with it
A new report by Forbes claims to have the answer — and, oddly enough, it also affects another flagship, the LG's upcoming G6.
According to the report, Samsung will launch the Galaxy S8 on April 14, and it will be the first phone to feature Qualcomm's new processor, the Snapdragon 835. And that is precisely the reason why LG's G6 will come with Snapdragon 821 — Samsung (who worked with Qualcomm to build the new Snapdragon chip) gets to be first in line.
If we trust the report, which Forbes claims comes from a very credible, unnamed source, the narrative likely goes like this: Both companies were originally supposed to launch their new flagships at MWC, which kicks off on Feb. 27 in Barcelona. LG's timeline still stands, but since Samsung pushed back its S8 launch, LG will have to launch the G6 with an older chip.
While the news is a bit disappointing to LG fans, all of this probably won't matter too much. Snapdragon 821 is currently the fastest smartphone system-on-a-chip available, and both new phones will surely perform great, regardless of which version of Snapdragon they use.
Besides the new Snapdragon chip, the Galaxy S8 is rumored to have a new design with a radically increased screen-to-body ratio, no home button, waterproof design and a digital assistant called "Bixby."
As far as the LG G6 goes, its launch date is known: Feb. 26, just before the start of Mobile World Congress. The phone will have a new, 18:9 screen (a part of which you can see in a leaked photo, obtained by The Verge) and is rumored to have 6GB of RAM.
Technology: Leaked images claim these are Google's new smartwatches
We keep hearing more and more about Google's two upcoming Android Wear 2.0 smartwatches as we inch closer towards Feb. 9, which is when the new smartwatch software is expected to drop.
And now we might know what they look like. TechnoBuffalo got its hands on what it strongly believes are images of Google's two unannounced smartwatches.
As you can see in the image below, the smartwatches line up perfectly with the specification leaks from previous reports.
The larger "LG Watch Sport" appears to be the sportier, more rugged version with a "digital crown" and two pusher buttons above and below it. The smaller "LG Watch Style" is more on the fashionable side and only has a single digital crown.
The digital crown is said to be similar to the Apple Watch's and will be crucial for navigation.
The small, semi-blurry images don't really provide details beyond the smartwatch's external designs; it's still impossible to tell how well they fit on the wrist until someone tries them on.
A recent VentureBeat report says the Watch Sport will have a larger 1.8-inch round screen compared to the Watch Style's 1.2-inch display. From the looks of the leaked images, the round displays will be fully round — not the "flat tire" display seen on the Moto 360 and other Android Wear designs, with a chunk taken out of the bottom of the circle.
The Watch Sport will also be slightly thicker than the Apple Watch Series 2 and the Samsung Gear S3 in order to fit in a 4G LTE antenna, GPS, NFC, a heart-rate monitor and 4GB of storage. Compared to the Watch Sport, the Watch Style is said to have a smaller battery, too.
Google's also expected to play up some kind of Google Assistant support and weatherproofing for both smartwatches as well as interchangeable bands (perhaps only on the Watch Style).
With the delay Android Wear 2.0 until this year and most Android Wear smartwatch makers taking an indefinite break, it'll be interesting to see how Google courts customers with its new smartwatches. Who knows: maybe the Assistant and the digital crown knock-off, or even the pricing, will be compelling enough reasons to buy one of the new wearables. We should find out soon enough.
Nchi 7 ambazo raia wake watazuiliwa kuingia Marekani maneno ya Trump

Moja kati ya ahadi alizitoa Rais wa Marekani Donald Trump
akiwa kwenye kampeni zake ni pamoja na kuzuia wahamiaji kuingia nchini
humo ambapo ripoti mpya zimesema Donald Trump atasaini sheria ya
kuzuia kwa muda vibali vya wahamiaji kutoka Iran na nchi nyingine sita.
Taarifa za
baadhi ya maafisa wa bunge la Marekani (Congress) na mtaalamu katika
Idara ya Uhamiaji zimeeleza kwamba Rais Trump leo Jumatano anatarajia
kusaini miswada kadhaa ikiwemo ya kusimamisha kwa muda utoaji visa kwa
raia wa nchi za Kiarabu.
January 25, 2017 Trump aliandika kwenye Twitter kwamba itakuwa siku kubwa kwa usalama wa taifa, pamoja na mambo mengine tutajenga ukuta.
uliotolewa umeeleza kuwa Trump anakusudia kuzuia kwa miezi kadhaa
wahamiaji kuingia Marekani isipokuwa wale aliowataja kuwa ni wa “Jamii
za wachache wanaodhulumiwa” hadi zitapopitishwa sheria kali na ngumu
kuhusiana na uingiaji wakimbizi nchini humo.
Kwa mujibu wa shirika la habari la Reuters, maombi ya vibali kwa raia wa Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan na Yemen vitazuiliwa.
katika ukurasa wake Twitter, Trump ameonesha pia msimamo wake wa kujenga
ukuta kwenye mpaka wa pamoja wa nchi hiyo na Mexico na kusisitiza kuwa
ujenzi huo utatekelezwa kwa namna yoyote.
Rayvanny azungumzia mpango wa kuachia wimbo mpya
Msanii wa muziki kutoka WCB, Rayvanny amedai ataachia wimbo wake mpya muda mchache baada ya kutoka kwa video ya wimbo ‘Kijuso’ alioshirikishwa na Queen Darlin.
Muimbaji huyo ambaye bado anafanya vizuri na wimbo ‘Natafuta Kiki’ amedai ameandaa kazi nyingi ambazo zinasubiri wakati wa kutoka.
Akizungumza na mashabiki wake live katika mtandao wa Instagram (Insta Live) Jumanne hii, Rayvanny amewataka mashabiki wake kukaa mkao wa kula kwajili ya ujio wa kazi mpya.
“Mashabiki wangu soon nitaachia wimbo mpya, sema itaanza kwanza kutoka video ya ‘Kijuso’ na baada ya hapo ndo mzigo unaweza kutoka,” alisema Rayvanny.
Muimbaji huyo toka aachie wimbo ‘Natafuta Kiki’, ameshirikishwa kwenye ngoma zaidi ya 3 ambazo ni pamoja Salome aliyoshirikishwa na Diamond, Kijuso na Queen Darlin pamoja na Mugacherere na Q Boy.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Kampuni ya Nokia yaweka rekodi ya kuuza simu zake mpya ‘Nokia 6’ ndani ya dakika 1
Kampuni ya Nokia imerudi upya katika ulimwengu wa ushindani wa simu za Smartphone zenye mfumo wa android baada ya wiki hii kuingiza sokoni simu mpya aina ya Nokia 6 na kuuzika kwa muda wa dakika moja.
Nokia kwa sasa ipo chini ya kampuni ya HDM Global na liliuza simu za Nokia 6 huko nchini china tuu na ndipo walipopata matunda makubwa.
Mauzo ya simu hii yalifanyika katika mall ya JingDong, na watu ambao walijiandikisha mwanzoni kabisa kabla hata ya simu haijafika hapo ili ikifika wawe wakwanza kuipata walikua ni zaidi ya milioni moja na laki tatu.
Japokuwa haijulikani kwa undani kuwa Nokia iliuza simu ngapi ndani ya dakika hiyo moja lakini kinachojulikana ni kwamba ziliisha zote ambazo zilikuwa katika stoo.
Nokia ilikua inauzika china kwa gharama ya yuan 1699 ambayo ni ni sawa na dola 248 za kimarekani na kwa haraka haraka ni sawa na laki tano za Tanzania.
Pengine sifa za simu hii ndio zimeipa umaarufu mkubwa ukiachana na kuwa kampuni ya Nokia kwa kipindi cha muda mrefu imekuwa mstari wa mbele katika kuhakikisha kuwa inatengeneza simu ambazo ni imara na zinazodumu kwa muda mrefu.
Joti aeleza kwanini Orijino Komedi haipo kwenye TV siku hizi

Ni kitambo kidogo hatujawaona Orijino Komedi kwenye TV (TBC 1) na inawezekana maswali tuliyonayo ni mengi lakini hakuna hofu tena maana tumempata Joti na amekubali kuongelea kwa ufupi.
‘Kama kundi tunataratibu zetu na ndio maana tumejaribu kutumia muda wa mwaka mmoja kupumzika maana toka tuanze kufanya kazi hatujawahi kupumzika, tulivyopomzika pia sio kukaa kimya tukaangalia project za kila mtu binafsi na ndio maana unaona kila mtu na shughuli zake‘ – Joti
‘Ukimfatilia Mpoki kuna shughuli zake anafanya na inajulikana, Masanja pia vivyo hivyo… na mimi nimefungua Youtube channel yangu ya Joti TV, nafikiri mwaka huu tunaweza kurudi kazini pia‘ – Joti
Je wajua nini hufanya macho yaonekane mekundu ukipiga picha kwa kutumia kamera yenye flash?
Macho hutupa uwezo wa kuona vitu vinavyotuzunguka zaidi ya vile ambavyo panya na viumbe wengine wanavyoona na kujenga uwezo wao wa kufikiri.
Mwanga huingia ndani ya jicho kupitia cornea. Baada ya hapo mwanga hufanyiwa utambuzi na retina na taswira hupelekwa moja kwa moja kwenye ubongo kupitia optic nerve. Kiasi cha mwanga kinachoingia kwenye retina hudhibitiwa na pupil. Wakati wa mchana sababu kuna mwanga mkali, pupil husinyaa na kuruhusu mwanga kidogo kuingia ndani ya jicho.
Wakati wa giza, pupil hutanuka kuruhusu mwanga wa kutosha kuingia. Katikati ya retina na sclera (sehemu nyeupe ya jicho) kuna kiwambo chenye tishu zinazoitwa Choroid. Safu hii husambaza damu, virutubisho na oksijeni katika maeneno ya nje ya retina. Choroid ina mishipa mingi sana ya fahamu.
Mwanga wa flash ya camera unapotoka, pupil huwa haipati muda wa kutosha kusinyaa, hivyo basi kiasi kikubwa cha mwanga huakisiwa (reflected) na fundus (sehemu ya mbele ya jicho). Kutokana na choroid kuwa na mishipa mingi ya damu, hivyo basi mwanga unaochukuliwa na lensi ya kamera huonekana mwekundu. Mtu akiangalia picha yake ataona macho yake yanaonekana mekundu.
Kutokana na angle ambayo mwanga huingia kwenye jicho ni sawa na engo (angle) ambayo mwanga huakisiwa kutoka nje, na jinsi flash inavyokuwa karibu na lensi ya kamera ndivyo kunavyokuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa mwanga ulioakisiwa kuonekana na lensi.
Sababu nyingine inawezekana kuwa ni kiasi cha melanin kwenye kiwambo nyuma ya retina na umri wa mtu anayepigwa picha. Watu weupe (light skinned people) wenye macho yenye rangi ya blue huwa wanakuwa na kiasi kidogo cha melanin kwenye fundus zao hivyo basi uwezekano wa macho yao kuonekana mekundu ni mkubwa kuliko watu weusi (dark skinned people) ambao wengi wao huwa na macho yenye rangi ya kahawia (brown).
Watoto wadogo pia wakipiga picha na kamera yenye flash kuna uwezekano mkubwa kwenye picha akaoneka ana macho mekundu, hii inatokana na ukweli kuwa pupils za macho ya watoto hutanuka kwa haraka kuliko za wakubwa
PICHA : Kwa mwaka hii ndio miji ya gharama zaidi kuishi dunian 2017
Wakati watu mbalimbali Tanzania wakilalamika hela imepotea, leo
nimekutana na miji ambayo ni gharama zaidi kuishi mwaka 2017 Duniani
kutokana na soko la Nyumba kuwa juu zaidi duniani.
1. Hong Kong, China

2. Sydney, Australia

3. Vancouver, Canada

4. Auckland, New Zealand

5. San Jose, Marekani

6. Melbourne, Australia

7. Honolulu, US

8. Los Angeles, Marekani

9. San Francisco, Marekani

10. Bournemouth & Dorset, Uingereza

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